Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne - Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Services


Client: City of Melbourne - Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program

The Project

Over a period of years Extent Heritage has been engaged to provide cultural heritage and archaeology services to inform the renewal of the Queen Victoria Market (QVM), a place included on the National Heritage List partly for its role as the Old Melbourne Cemetery. Our involvement has included the management of both historical and Aboriginal heritage values. With regards to Aboriginal cultural heritage, the site is particularly significant for containing the ancestral remains of Aboriginal people from across Victoria and Tasmania (and perhaps from elsewhere).

Value Unlocked

We are proud of the role that we have played in ensuring the dignified and respectful management of the Aboriginal heritage and historical archaeology values embodied by the QVM. Our work has resulted in the place's heritage values being communicated and understood so that appropriate processes are in place to protect them, while assisting the City of Melbourne to design and deliver its renewal program.

Services Provided