Western Australia - Aboriginal Heritage Survey


The project

Extent Heritage WA carried out archaeological and ethnographic surveys across parts of Western Australia’s Midwest in collaboration with representatives of the Southern Yamatji Native Title Claim Group. The surveys identified and recorded Aboriginal heritage places in a range of proposed exploration areas and infrastructure corridors. We then worked with the Traditional Owners and proponents to develop appropriate management strategies for all of the Aboriginal heritage places that had been identified.

Value Unlocked

Extent Heritage WA produced quality reports for the Southern Yamatji native title holders that documented sites located in their country. The reports present clear and achievable recommendations for the culturally appropriate management of those sites. They comprise not just a valuable record of Aboriginal heritage values in the area, but also act as critical management tools for areas experiencing development pressure. Copies of the reports have been provided to the relevant proponents, enabling them to consider the management of Aboriginal heritage values in a culturally-sensitive manner. The reports provide the proponents with certainty on how best to progress development while minimising heritage impacts. The success of the surveys and Aboriginal community consultation also helped to foster good working relationships between all parties.

Services Provided